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The Vacina Maré research is a pilot Pathfinder study and is part of the research project "A New Ecosystem for Health Research & Data Science", which aims to strengthen the fields of Data Science and data sharing for health research in Latin America and the Caribbean, based on the strategic participation of the Fiocruz Hub of The Global Health Network.

The Vacina Maré research, an initiative of Fiocruz in partnership with Redes da Maré and the Rio de Janeiro City Hall, has as its main objective to estimate the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine and the impact of the pandemic on the territory of Maré, in Rio de Janeiro. The study was born from the Vacina Maré Campaign, a community mobilisation event and mass immunisation of more than 36,000 residents in just four days between July and August 2021. The results and findings of the research are part of a global investigation into vaccination, disease variants and post-covid effects (Long Covid) inserted in EFFECT-Brazil, being one of the ten projects selected by ICODA (International Covid-19 Data Alliance), an initiative by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Mind map of the Vacina Maré research.


Read the Mesh article about the Vacina Maré Research  ↓


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Construction of the Vacina Maré Pathfinder

The Vacina Maré Research was invited to set up a Pathfinder Project as a pilot considering the relevance of the topic for public health.

The potential for all phases of the Pathfinder was also identified, mainly due to valuable lessons and its great potential to support the development and improvement of other health studies, especially the community engagement component and the use of data for action.

The Vacina Maré researchers submitted a proposal to systematise the research methodology with the aim of creating products and content that would allow researchers, collectives and institutions to use the lessons learnt and solutions created by the project for population adherence to vaccination and ongoing research on vaccine efficacy. Starting in October 2022, the process of the Pathfinder was designed in four stages, with different actions carried out throughout 2023:

  1. Creation of a conceptual framework;
  2. Systematisation of experience;
  3. Prototyping of the toolkit - creation of pieces and products for sharing the experience
  4. Implementation and evaluation of products.

The mapping of the Vacina Maré research includes activities related to Research Planning; Data Management and Access; Data Analysis; Results and Impact; and Stakeholder Engagement. The categories, present in the Tracker tool, helped to systematise the information collected in the conversation circles and individual interviews with research agents.

Construction Timeline of the Vacina Maré Pathfinder


Pathfinder Vacina Maré resources

Pathfinder Brief Vacina Maré - Challenges, solutions and learnings

Toolkit - Qualitative methodology for the Pathfinder tracker

Toolkit - Developing a dashboard to visualise agents and stakeholders

Webinar "Using REDCap beyond questionnaires and typical databases: efficiency in research"

Workshop "Tools to promote engagement and mobilisation in collective health (Brazil, India and Malaysia)"


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Three conversation circles and four individual interviews were held with key actors between August and October 2023:

Themes worked on:

  1. Research planning (18/08): six participants
  2. Data management, analysis, and dissemination (23/08): five participants
  3. Stakeholder engagement, results, and impacts (25/10): four participants


  • Fernando Bozza (PI)
  • Valcler Fernandes (Fiocruz)
  • Luna Arouca (Eixo Saúde coordinator - Redes da Maré)
  • Everton Pereira (Eixo Saúde coordinator - Redes da Maré)
  • Carolina Dias (Vacina Maré Research coordinator - Redes da Maré)
  • Diana Souza (Vacina Maré Research field coordinator - Redes da Maré) 
  • Henrique Gomes (fiel coordinator - Redes da Maré)
  • Luciana Bento (communication coordinator)
  • Grazielle Viana (IDOR)
  • Amanda Batista (PUC)
  • Leonardo Bastos (PUC)
  • Silvio Hamacher (PUC)
  • Thiago Wendel (CAP 3.1 coordinator)


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Dashboard of agents and stakeholders in the Vacina Maré Research

The Vacina Maré dashboard displays the agents and stakeholders, including individuals and organisations, who acted in the research process by institution, mode of participation in the study and role.

Number of agents according to their role in the search and stage of action according to the Pathfinder categories

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Resources from the host study Vacina Maré

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Vacina Maré Pathfinder Team