¿Que és un Estudio Pathfinder? Herramientas y Beneficios | O que é um Estudo Pathfinder? Ferramentas e benefícios
The common challenges faced by teams conducting primary research studies are well documented; however, although affordable solutions, tools, and training exist, research teams often remain uninformed and alone when designing, planning, operating, and reporting their studies. Therefore, a practical approach to a complementary study was designed, based on the concept of a “study within a trial”.
We propose to call these complementary studies “Pathfinder Studies” that aim to document the challenges, solutions, and tools found by researchers to share best practices and facilitate more data-driven health research. Practical examples of how Pathfinder Studies are being considered can be found in the work of regional partners: Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b).
As part of a series of activities to promote the use of Pathfinder and provide appropriate support throughout the process, this webinar aims to:
RecordingWatch the Pathfinder webinar in English. |