Measuring and modeling electro-conductive and quantum properties of cytoskeletal protein filaments exposed to electromagnetic fields

Medición y modelado electro condutivo y las propriedades cuánticas de los filamentos de proteínas citoesqueléticas expuestas a campos electromagnéticos.

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Prof. Jack A. Tuszynski from the University fo Alberta, Canada and Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy will be presenting this webinar in English. Dr. Tuszynski will give an overview of the modelling carried out at the atomic and higher granular level to obtain information on the electrostatic and electroconductive properties of the cytoskeleton.

Computer simulations and experimental measurements carried out on microtubules (essential in the separation of genetic material during cell division) and actin filaments will be presented, followed by a summary of numerous experiments carried out. The speaker will discuss additional experiments carried out using exposure of microtubules and actin filaments to infrared radiation, THz electromagnetic waves, visible light and ultraviolet laser light. In the case of exposure to ultraviolet laser light, characteristics of quantum excitations were observed with consequences for the field of quantum biology.

Seminar resources

Icone camera.Recording



Icone de slides.Presentation slides

